Why Climate Controlled Storage

Wisconsinites live in a climate with temperature extremes. We experience everything from hot and dry to hot and humid to damp and cold to frozen.

These temperature and humidity variables are stressful on art, coins, stamps, comics, wine, and other collectibles. Other materials, like wood, electronics, metals, fabrics and valuable items like instruments, photographs, historical documents etc. are also negatively impacted extreme temperature variations.

Impact of extreme temperatures and ideal storage environments:


Paintings, classic autos, lead crystal, fine art, clay statues etc. should always be kept in controlled environments. Humidity, light and temperature extremes all negatively impact  works of art. The ideal storage temperature for art is between 60 - 75 °F with around 50% relative humidity.


Clothes, leather, antiques, toys, furniture, etc. are susceptible to mold and mildew in humid environments. Temperatures between 35 - 75 °F with 55% relative humidity or less are ideal. It is best to clean fabrics when possible and store them using acid-free paper and/or cedar packets.


Books, magazines, comics, photographs, family/business records etc. can turn yellow when temperatures fluctuate. Exposure to high or low humidity and light is detrimental to paper items.  Temperatures between 35 - 75 °F with 35% relative humidity or less are ideal for storage.

Looking for convenient, affordable self storage options?Feel free to call me, AJ, for pricing and to discuss your specific storage needs.608-598-0583Email


Computers, speakers, cameras, appliances, etc.  corrode and grow mold in humid environments. Electronic items are best stored between 50 - 80 °F and 30 - 60% relative humidity. Storing electronics well above cement floors is wise and adding silica gel packets into boxes is helpful.


Metals react to moisture: Iron rusts, copper turns green, silver turns black and lead turns into a white powder. Metals are best stored between 35 - 75 °F and 35 - 55% relative humidity. Metals should be kept off cement flooring.


Optical discs like CDs, DVDs, videos should be stored in cool, dry environments. Temperatures between 65 - 70 °F with 45 - 50% relative humidity are ideal. Exposure to direct light can cause clouding on disc surfaces.

Looking for convenient, affordable self storage options?Feel free to call me, AJ, for pricing and to discuss your specific storage needs.608-598-0583Email


Records should be stored between 65 - 70 °F and 45 - 60% relative humidity. High temps can cause warping, and low temps can cause records to crack. Records should be stored vertically, and in original jackets whenever possible.


The ideal environment for storing wine is low light, around 55 °F, and between 50-80% relative humidity. High humidity speeds wine aging, causing a cloudy, brown appearance. Low humidity drys corks and compromises the integrity of the wine.


Wood items, antiques and woodwind instruments should never be stored in fluctuating temperatures. Wood contracts in colder and expands in temperature extremes. Growth of mold and wood rot happens when humidity is too high.  Wood should be cleaned and polished with oil before storage to prevent splitting. Temperatures between 55 - 85°F with humidity levels should be between 30 - 50% are ideal for wood items.

Looking for convenient, affordable self storage options?Feel free to call me, AJ, for pricing and to discuss your specific storage needs.608-598-0583      Email

Cottage Grove Storage

375 Progress Drive

Cottage Grove, WI  53527

608-598-0583       email